About Integrity mapper
Integrity is a tool which will provide a map like overview of your web-site. Simply
enter any web address above and click 'Map Site'. Integrity will then scan through
your site looking for 404 and other errors which commonly affect sites, and display
this information in a map overview. To get details about each individual page, click
on the page name.
Note! Integrity mapper uses SVG to display it's data. Therefore only Opera and Firefox can currently be used to view the map. Webkit nightly is just lacking in it's DOM support for SVG to work also work. I strongly recommend you use Opera, as Firefox's SVG engine is dog slow. Integrity will not work in IE.
Integrity is primarily a tool for my own internal testing and as such bugs may be present. Please report any to me! The version available here has been limited to check internal links to your site only, and has a limit of checking 25 pages. The bandwidth Integrity can use is rather large...