SpryPanel is my pet project. It is a Content Management System (CMS) which I have designed and developed, and is used on almost every web-site I make. The basic principle is that SpryPanel is a completely design independent CMS which web-site owners can log into and change content on their web-site. The design independence means that SpryPanel does not restrict you to template based design - you can throw anything you want at it, and still have complete control.
The main aims of SpryPanel are:
I realise that there is a plethora of CMSs on the market, and I've used several of them, but always found them to be lacking in one way or another. Poor user interface, bad security, template design lock in and so on. While SpryPanel isn't perfect, I've got a lot of ideas to make is approach that point...
SpryPanel is a big project, and I can't really describe it and all of its features here, but please have a look at the SpryPanel web-site [www.sprypanel.com] to find out more.