Got to keep up with the web. Here is a collection of pages I've bookmarked.
Try going commandoPut the mouse down and step up to the keyboard - ready for faster coding?
BBC OS statisticsWhat platforms are users likely to use? The BBC can tell us that as well
BBC Browser statisticsAfter I requested the BBC web-site statistics, Kim has very kindly opened them to us. Take note - this *likely to be* what people really use
Adobe ApolloCross platform application gets the treatment from Adobe. This could be big
Get the glassGraphics heavy online game of marketing milk - bandwidth warning...
Device dependent JavaScriptUtilising CSS media types to control which JavaScript should be used on the page - excellent for progressive enhancement
getElementsByClassName speed testsJohn Resig considers the speed of different methods of implementing this common function. Two ways of looking at it - that goodness for native support in FF3 and - damn DOM is slow
Better CMS through IAConsidering what a CMS will be used for and by whom, through IA leads to much more effective systems
Curlys lawEtch it into your wall! Variables mean one thing, and one thing only