Got to keep up with the web. Here is a collection of pages I've bookmarked.
YUI goes 3.0.0Congratulations to the YUI team on their launch of v3.0.0 of their superb library. YUI continues to provide an extremely comprehensive suite of tools, powered by a very talented group.
FailureFailure is to be encouraged - if you make lots of small mistakes, you can learn from them and move on. This is the only way to encourage creativity.
Human behaviourWe all make irrational decisions at times, and others will try to manipulate you to make decisions which benefit them (when successful, that is when they become a marketing professional/genius...)
Style and designJeffrey Zeldman writes about why he is worried about the effect of "flash bang" on designers.
Opera 10Congratulation to the Opera folks. Opera 10 has gone final after a lot of development. What a superb web-browser - nice one guys!